where your soul wanders

Thursday, February 28, 2013

I find myself reminiscing of a time and place where I could feel the ocean breeze and sink my hands into the sand while watching the sky turn red and the sun disappear into the sea. Some days, I wish I could photograph everything I see and everyone I know (and don't know) and remember how I felt at that exact moment always. 


  1. Beautiful post! I love the photos xx


  2. I can so relate , I no longer live by the coast and I sometimes drift to a time and place where I sat on the beach people watched.

    xo Meg<3

    Meghan Silva's Blog

  3. Uhm, can we be friends? I love this blog! Your photos are so great!

  4. beautiful!
    love your blog, so cute

  5. i feel like that all the time then my boyfriend accuses me not to live the moment and i end up living in frustration not knowing what to do haha(i may make it sound more tragic than it is). Love the atmosphere of your blog xmoira

  6. These photos are beautiful! Your shots are all so great!



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