sweat pea. apple of my eye.

Friday, November 5, 2010

So excited it is finally Friday! I have two of my favorite people taking the train to come visit me in Santa Barbara this weekend, so I am sure I will have tons of pictures verrry soon!
As for Halloween.... My boyfriend and I went as Zooey Deschanel and Joseph Gorden-Levitt being Sid and Nancy. Not many people got it, but it is a brilliant idea. If you haven't seen the youtube video, go watch it. And ignore the vulgar language.

Last weekend Gustavo and I visited the wedding location in (500) days of Summer, where Millie gets married. It is a gorgeous park facing the ocean, with a victorian lighthouse just right there in the middle. 

Sunday we spent the whole day exploring downtown LA, we went to an adorable little place called bottega louie for lunch, we shared a pizza, it was delicious! :) 
We found an old bookstore and I spent too much time in there, until Gustavo pulled me out of the door, but not until I purchased three classics! Here are some photographs of our adventuring...

That is all for now, I must entertain my guests. 


  1. haha that's a great costume! so clever!!

  2. awesome costume!! lovve it.
    the wedding location is beautiful. when i went to visit my best friend & sister in la this summer, we took a day going to many 500 days of summer spots. i loved it & it was a brilliant surprise : ) my favorite spot was thier park bench.
    great photos! & have an amazing time with your favorite people!

  3. what a great costume idea, I loved that video with Joe and Zooey, they did a great job

  4. Ahh 500 days of summer! :) Love your costume and that movie, and those two of course. Simply brilliant.

  5. Great shots!



  6. very creative! ha i love your sid and nancy costumes!!<3

  7. youre so creative! :D totally rockin it! andd ohh you flooded us with so beautiful photos! gush,i wish i live there too.

    Missy S The Thrifty wishful-Fashionista

  8. cool costumes! my friend was just telling me how she watched this movie on the weekend and now.. I am totally craving to watch it too x


  9. great pics, these are creative shots, and looked like a beautiful day outside :)

  10. What an AWESOME costume idea!!! I love it!!!! And it looks like you had some fun in LA. Cute pics!

  11. I'm glad you're commenters enjoyed our costumes because nobody else understood. I think the side-by-side picture really clears things up :)


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