somedays aren't yours at all

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Maybe it's because I am graduating college or have to face the reality of starting life as an adult, that I now realize how fleeting time is. How quickly I have arrived at this time, this moment, with all of my achievements and memories stuffed in my back pocket. I am thrown out into the world to be an "adult" or at least a test trial of adulthood. I have learned recently one very valuable lesson though and that is that friendships and relationships are the most important part in this life, they should be held tightly, regarded highly above other petty things. We are people, we are fragile and we should be handled with care by the ones that love us and treat them the same way. Put others above yourself, because Jesus says so. No excuses. 

I did a few mini photo shoots with some of my amazing housemates. I wanted to do a fictional reality dream montage type of thing and here's what happened... 

Danae Damron

Kaitlyn Hollister

Amy Van Voy

Live your life to the fullest. You only live once. 

"when you are younger
you wish you were older
and then you get old
all of the questions
outnumber the answers
i guess you never know
so much of living
is wasted on worry
of things you can't control"
- Doom and Gloom


  1. OMG! These pics are REALLY wonderful!
    I'm in LOVE with them!
    Cool blog babe!
    Follow me? I'd be very happy if you do it!
    Thank you so much!

  2. this is a great set of pics. True friendships are hard to come by so its important to cherish them

  3. gorgeous pictures and such an important post.
    graduating college was one of the more difficult, ambiguous and confusing periods of my life (and no one prepares you for it!) but you are so right, at the end of the day it's all about the relationships that keep you going... that's how you get through the post-college blues.

  4. these are a truly wonderful set of photos! thank you for taking the time to share these x

  5. lovely post!

    thanks for your lovely comment!
    Maybe we can follow eachother?

  6. i totally understood that french comment above !!! :)

    i love Amy Van Voy. She should really be a model.
    misssss youuu.

  7. hiii : ) i'm so happy you are blogging again! i'm just starting to get back into the swing of things again. i loved the doom&gloom quote at the end. so good. & so true.

    hope you are well : )

  8. wow, these are fab, i love the way you've made up your housemates! and i love that little poem thing :) xx

  9. nice blog girl!
    I love the audrey quote in your blog :)

    regards from

  10. Great Pictures and blog! The colours especially.
    maybe we can exchange follows:)

  11. Such lovely pictures! You did a great job with these (:And I love the sun flare in Kristen photos!

  12. Beautiful photos:)

    ♥ Kisses ♥

  13. Cool eye makeup! Kinda 60s!

  14. Those photoshoots were really well done! I enjoyed looking through the photos. I don't know how I ended up here, I think I liked your tiny picture on someone's followers list and got curious. Now I'm really glad I came. (:

  15. Agreed. The relationships are the most important thing...Jesus so had it right! These images are amazing! I just had to add your etsy store to my faves! LOVE! =)
    Kristina J.


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