living in los angeles

Monday, April 25, 2011

Too much time has gone by again that I have neglected my blog and readers.
I've had so much change in my life, there's too much to write about. I guess that will be my excuse. 
I graduated college. Packed my life up in boxes and moved to Pasadena. I didn't have a job or any idea of what I was going to do once I got there or how I was going to pay the bills. I was stressed and depressed for a few weeks. God really provided for me, I went from having 0 prospects for a job to 3 jobs and an internship. Ha! How funny life is sometimes. 
One of the jobs I was hired for is at In Residence a wonderful little boutique, I'll be working on adding items to the website, working on the social media aspect and their blog, as well as sales in the store. I'm super stoked about this job, it's fun and I already do most of that stuff with Coral Clay

Here are some really adorable items from In Residence

I have an internship with Floataway Studios which is absolutely amazing! I really would love to pursue wedding photography so I am very happy and blessed to be working with these awesome people! 
Here is a stop the motion that Mary put together featuring the new interns, Meghan and I. 

Other than that I've been spending tons of precious time with my boyfriend & friends, went to a Local Natives concert and a Mumford & Sons concert both were amazing. Became a fan of The Tallest Man On Earth. Celebrated a friends 21st birthday. Visited a million taco trucks. Went to a Photo Show where the drummer from Local Natives was there hanging out, it was a tad to hip and by hip I mean hipster for me. I loved it & I also loved the free drinks. 

the end. 


  1. carissa! so glad to see you posting : )
    CONGRATS on the jobs! wow. what a lucky girl you are! also congratulations on graduating! what was your major?
    mumford & sons?!? WOW. too good to be true.
    i feel a tad like a creeper saying this, but it would be so cool to actually meet & hang out with you! :D
    hope you had a wonderful easter!

  2. congrats on graduating and the jobs! i too am graduating this spring and completely understand the confusion and mixed feelings, but i'm happy to hear things are moving forward in the right direction! that's a rewarding feeling well earned :)

  3. ugh. im raving with jealousy (if that makes sense) about local natives and mumford.
    and um, that new place you're working at has cute stuff!! i likey. way to go champ.

    god is tmth. in the good way.

  4. the job seems fun and creative. sounds like a really exciting time in your life right now...enjoy!


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