monday, monday.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Happy Monday to you!

Here's a little Ets-piration! (has anyone invented this word yet?) I defintley spent some time swooning and drooling over tons of Etsy treasures this weekend. I bought my momma a mother's day card, make sure you guys don't forget about your mommas, it's coming up!

I was so inspired by all the amazing Etsy shops I stumpled upon, I should start doing an Etsy post every week. Hmm. I may or may not have purchased the shoes below (defintley did)!!

+Vintage Shoes - Darling Vintage  +Dress - Supayana 

+Foxes Dress! - IsabelKnowles  +Peter Pan Collar Dress - xMOTHERx

Make sure to check out all the shops above! Some are handmade with love others are handed down with love, either way there's a whole lot of vintage love happening here and I like it! Hope you all have a great week! 


  1. These are such great finds! I LOVE Supayana and Isabel Knowles, but I don't think I've seen xMotherx before and I'm loving it! I'll definitely have to include that shop in my next Etsy roundup for sure.

  2. Oh, Etsy. There are too many amazing things on there!! :D

  3. Hey, thank you for your nice comment, your blog is really great as well!

    This year, I have set myself the "challenge" to buy more on etsy and less on the high street and I especially like the blue and the red dress, so beautiful.

    Have a nice day!

  4. that top dress. so sweet! I love the floral and the collar and the shape and everything about it.
    and I am so glad you bought those shoes! I bet they will go with everything you own, and make all your outfits so vintagey sweet ;)

  5. I can't decide which dress is more perfect. I think i have to go with the red blue dress. So many good Etsy artists out there. Just a feast for the eyes :)

  6. Some lovely stuff, thank you for sharing =)


  7. Ah! Such cute stuff. I've been wearing a lot of peter pan collars since I cut my hair. Maybe I'll fly next.


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